Will somebody please critic my readability?
/* Java string reference. This will be The first CS1400 Assignment */ public class mishWun { public static void main (String[] args) { String firstName, lastName, favMovie, birthMonth; firstName = "Dillon"; lastName = "Lair"; favMovie = "Waking Life"; birthMonth = "July"; System.out.println("Hello class! My name is " + firstName + " " + lastName + "."); System.out.println("My favorite movie is " + favMovie); int birthDay = 7; System.out.println("My birthday is " + birthMonth + " " + (birthDay)); //Outputs first name, last name, birth month & date. } } I am currently taking my first CS course and I just want to know if I am on the right track in regards to making my code readable for my instructor. The readability of the code determines a percentage of the grade and I have taken out a snippet from my assignment for critique. Thank you all so much for your input.