- 2
100 500 1000
6 odpowiedzi
+ 8
who did you kidnap! we need the police 👮 now!. where are they? @Ranjan did you call them.
+ 7
@Lk no need to call them, don't worry they're on the way.🚔🚔👮
+ 7
in the meantime @Kuralai Esenberdu amuse yourself with this post, will benefit for the better.
+ 6
what is your demand?😕
+ 1
In the department there are 3 employees who receive wages in rubles. It is required to determine: how much the salary of the highest paid of them differs from the lowest paid
В отделе работают 3 сотрудника, которые получают заработную плату в рублях. Требуется определить: на сколько зарплата самого высокооплачиваемого из них отличается от самого низкооплачиваемого