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Can we be a professionnel programmers without learning c
11 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Yes but it is not required.
I mean that you shouldnt know c to be a professional programmer.
C is a good language as c++ but you can learn many other languages and become professional without knowledge of c.
+ 7
Short answer: yes
Long(ish) answer: C is nt the only powerful programming language, there is Ruby, Java, C++, Python e.t.c
+ 7
@Issam what do u mean by works with hardware
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i am not a professionnel but i read in an article that c language programme also the hardware like motherbords or something like that
and sorry for my bad english language il arabic from morroco 😊
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thanks freind Yerucham
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of course you can.
you have to master any other language.
for example a web developer does not need c at all.
these days I consider that c++ is better than c because it is a new version of c
+ 1
thanks ilias Karypidis but c can works also with Hardware not only with software
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ok @ilias Karypidis thanks for your attention thanks bro
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no, I don't think so.
by the way my name is Ayo but u may think I am Esther but I'm not. I'm just using my mum's email AC because I don't have one.
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u need to select to the language u are good at