+ 58
Programmer's Life Style
Energy and motivation are key factors that drives a person to code (at least me). When I am motivated,I spend all day and night working on a code and when motivation and energy is gone,I dont feel like even writing a small code. I do believe that life style affects our morale to work. I am interested in knowing learning what kind of life style people on SL have. It might help those who are stuck in a dead motivation spot.
75 odpowiedzi
+ 43
Only advice for lost motivation - don't do monotonous tasks. Break it down into smaller tasks and make it more interesting. You can plan on Monday and Tuesday, make a blueprint/algorithm on Wednesday and code on rest of the days. Because coding takes lot of time. Just an example.
+ 36
while( 1 )
+ 23
@Amar who will bring groceries and stuff? 😂
+ 18
This is my day to day life :😊😊😊
Wake up
Go to school
Come back from school
play games
read a book
(Now it's about 12 PM)
+ 17
so true :D
I agree with the conditions XD
+ 17
while (programmer){
+ 16
I just started programming , I'm a beginner and my routine is -
go to school
come back home and eat
go for playing
come back and play game for a hour
study , eat and sleep
+ 14
@kevin noice you got pretty productive routine 👍
+ 13
@Game cool, if you were to rate your motivation to code,how much will you rate out of 10?
+ 12
Downtime is as good as uptime. If your motivation isn't there then take a rest unless you're on deadline. Do something fun so that you can hit code harder when your motivation is up!
+ 11
When we code, we expect ourselves to sit down in front of the computer for a long time. I guess it would be great if you we our "other time" to go outside and experience something else so that we won't miss out the real world.
I usually code when I feel it, but a better habit would be to set a minimum number of hours for one week. Make sure that in every time you study, you learn a lot and you do not forget about it.
My current routine usually goes: School, Socialize/Sports, Sleep, Code/Study.
A mix between academic, socialization, and active lifestyle.
+ 10
@ A Penguin. .Lifestyle really affects our morale to work. I personally Code just after waking up at 6 am till afternoon and at evening I gym and later at night I hang out with guys. Real fun gives me unshakeable motivation to code the next day. Try changing lifestyle may make you more motivated
+ 10
@Perez it would be bad if this routine goes in infinite loop 😂 social life : RIP
+ 9
@Aimbot noice man 👍
+ 9
@Getachew right but u need motivation and energy to keep moving too
+ 8
@Apoorva whats your coding routine?
+ 8
@toby LOL 😂
+ 8
@Noel great routine man 👍 meanwhile my routine is kinda unpredictable which starts from breakfast,animes,coding,games,studies and SL. I am too lazy to go out in day cuz I dont like sun 😂
+ 8
@Mohit thats not a life style but work break down structure 😂😂
+ 8
@Ankit guess thats common routine for programmers 😂