+ 1
best website to learn c#
11 odpowiedzi
+ 4
I concur with @Luka. Read that eBook that he posted, it's a good one.
+ 3
@Luka Sorry, I'm at work and just seeing your response. Yeah, I'm focused on game development primarily now. Ask whatever you want bro, if I know answer I'll happily share with ya.
+ 3
@Luka I doubt you'll check this again (then again I just did...........), but I can help you out with that. I'll find you on here later and give you my email so we can talk in real time.
+ 2
In my opinion, there is no definitive source for C# info. The best approach is to either buy a couple of books (read the comments at Amazon to see if they're any good) or type your problem into google and see what turns up -- more than likely, it will be stackoverflow. Good luck.
+ 2
I haven't seen all the sources, so I can't say something like that definitively. www.PluralSight.com offers a very extensive learning library on C#, among thousands of other things, and it's on par with college level information. If you want a good, legit source of information on it, that's a good one. Microsoft themselves have extensive documentation on the language also. A LOT of good sources on YouTube. As well, you can google eBooks instead of having to buy them or mess around with amazon.
The best approach is any approach that provides you with information you need. Doesn't matter if that's via a physical book, an eBook, tutorials, etc... Use discernment and just keep progressing/researching further until you master your craft.
+ 1
as you wish 👌