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Find largest element from N number of element using "Variadic Template".
I want to create a template class which provides maximum element from a lit of another integers at compile time but I am getting error, please help me in solving the question.
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template <int N, int... Rest>
int max()
int tmp = max<Rest...>();
return N < tmp ? tmp : N;
std::cout << max<3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0>() << std::endl;
template <int N, int... Rest>
struct max_t {
static int const value = max_t<Rest...>::value > N ? max_t<Rest...>::value : N;
template <int N>
struct max_t<N> {
static int const value = N;
template <int... NS>
int max()
return max_t<NS...>::value;