+ 3
Which programming language is more easier and more useful ?
Lots of programming language . sometimes can do the same exact program . So in your experience which language you think less complex , need less command and more effective ?
4 odpowiedzi
+ 3
I havn't learnt ruby yet but I've heard that Ruby is less complex and more effective language.
+ 3
Ruby or Python are good.
+ 1
At least for me, Python is very easy, you don't need to worry about semicolon ";" at the end of each line, just indentation. Dynamic typing is another advantage and Python can do a lot of things that other programming languages can do (but I prefer C# xD).
+ 1
Programming Language:
Java is not as easy as python but is very versatile.
Javascript is easiest but limited.
PHP is so useful but JSP is easier if you know Java.
HTML is easiest but XML is more powerful