I dont understand how to make lasting changes to variables.
I am writing a program for fun that is a quiz. When an answer is correct, the program has a func that is this. print("you have gotten" , r+1 , "question(s) correct out of" , t+1") . It works how i want it for the first question, but after i move to the next one, i do not know how to make the computer recognize that i want to keep the values assigned to r and t. Meaning i want r and t to have 1 unit added to them before the next question to show progress. r represents correct answers and t represents total questions asked. Thank you for any input!
4 odpowiedzi
r += 1 is the same as r = r + 1 (it increments r by 1)
meaning the value of r changes.
r+1 doesnt assign the new value to r, so the value of r stays the same.
r += 1
t += 1
print(r + " right out of" + t)
Ok thank you!!
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use r +=1 and t +=1 before your print statement. then dont include the +1 in the print statement.
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When i tried that, it gave me an error, ill keep trying though, thanks for the advice