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what are the crossroads between Python GameProgramming & Robotics?

Ideas at will 😤

23rd Oct 2016, 2:32 PM
pythoNS - avatar
1 Odpowiedź
If you are looking for a way to combine python-based games or apps with some electronic stuff, take a look to Raspberry Pi. It's a small computer running Linux (so you have Python already installed) and it has GPIO pins (with support of communication protocols like UART, SPI, I2C). So you can run any Python script and, using appropriate modules, send signals over GPIO - they may be simple like high/low levels or you can send lots of info. Example: Python game running "game of life" and Arduino controlling large LED matrix. you can connect both of them by UART and every game iteration you send state of all cells to Arduino, and it lightens up the appropriate LEDs so you see the same picture. Another example: game with some turning things like cogwheels or something. You turn it on a display, Python sends angle through UART, Arduino rotates servo motors. With more experience and skills you can even build a network and control much more Arduinos, Raspberries or maybe some different devices. Any further ideas are limited by your own imagination and skills :)
2nd Nov 2016, 11:02 PM
Demeth - avatar