+ 12
Do you have any scientific software sites to share?
For instance... LIGO made news by detecting two neutron stars colliding and resulting in the first ever detection of gravitational waves https://www.ligo.caltech.edu. LIGO is associated with the LIGO Scientific Collaboration or LSC. In turn LSC has made available for viewing their software code for data analysis: https://wiki.ligo.org/DASWG/WebHome.
2 odpowiedzi
+ 7
Thanks @Aryaman Srivastav!
+ 2
There's always MATLAB and Octave with their assorted science plugins, addons, etc. For exmple, Featool is a pretty in-depth open source multiphysics simulator (COMSOL's better, but almost no one person can afford it in their own, and it's propriety software) that's based off MATLAB (or Octave if you are looking for free software).