+ 2

Hello guys im a C# student

how can I make a new brogram who can make my brojects

1st Nov 2017, 6:23 PM
5 odpowiedzi
+ 2
What type of programmer are you seeking to become? I use C# for game development, which is something you can easily learn also and that'll be good use/practice with C#. www.Unity3D.com/learn https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CSharp/
1st Nov 2017, 6:41 PM
+ 1
Get a refund from your school.
1st Nov 2017, 6:36 PM
+ 1
ok thank u I check it but its so hard learn just I should learn steps and the keys of C#
1st Nov 2017, 6:46 PM
+ 1
Well if you're taking C# in school, they should cover all of the basics of the language for you. Unfortunately, school is slow paced so who knows how many weeks that'll take? If it were myself, I'd go ahead and read the C# course here on SoloLearn. You can easily read it within a day or two. Then I would practice that I learned from it, and then read through the language again, this time writing down notes on anything that I didn't understand. When you're done, go online and research the things you didn't understand fully, and then go & practice those concepts so you can see it in action. After you've mastered the basics, seek out other resources online and learn from them. There is a lot more to C# than is available on SoloLearn. Always practice and keep researching/learning more. That's how you'll gain a better understanding of the language. As you already know, this takes time and is certainly difficult at first. It's similar to playing an instrument. At first you're not that great, it sounds bad, and you just don't understand how to read the notes or write them yet. However, the more you learn about music and the more you practice your instrument, the better you become at it. Eventually you do it effortlessly and are able to make beautiful music from it. Best of luck to you!
1st Nov 2017, 6:53 PM
ok I ask my teacher and he tell me thank u for comment
1st Nov 2017, 6:38 PM