+ 4
What to do after learning c#?
let me make it clear if Someone tells me to write a program about something I literally don't know where to start and how to start!
9 odpowiedzi
+ 43
I don't think that starting a new language will clear your doubt. You should now practice a lot in Playground. Make changes in existing codes. Regularly check the forum to learn new things.
Find some simple tasks (better with solutions), like "Write a C# Sharp program to print the output of multiplication of three numbers which will entered by the user. ". Try yourself, then look up for solution.
+ 8
Programming is not about learning languages, its all about libraries. You must learn how to find what is written and tested for you because it's not reasonable to do everything from scratch by yourself.
Another thing you have to do is to learn design patterns and OOAD (object oriented analysis and design) because i know a lot of people who know an OO language but their codes are not OO at all. When they want to write code they open their IDE and say "where do I start?". The answer is turn off your computer and use OOAD techniques.
Focus on OOAD and libraries.
Good luck
+ 5
learning a new language will not help u to get a better job... its the logic thats more important for u create ...the more better logic u have ...then only c# will be enough for u ...just practice a lot in code playground ..that will help u to understand and help u to make ur own logic
+ 3
Study some open source programs made in c#, go from simple to complex, you'll learn a truckload of stuff from others not to mention that you'll natrurally pick up good coding practices just by studying the code of others. Unfortunately I don't know what sites to recommend but I believe GitHub is a safe bet, I invite the other users with more suggestions..
+ 2
think in a problem what can you resolve with a program, and do this program.
+ 2
Get good at C#. it takes a long time to get good at a language; you need to make things in it, a lot of things, before you understand it properly. That being said:
I'd disagree with @TechTro, don't learn Java after C# unless you need to; C# is essentially the MS version of Java, and they're incredibly similar. You aren't going to learn anything new by going for Java afterward. If you know C#, you can pick up Java.
Instead, learn a language with a different paradigm.
C# is a pure OO language, so learn a functional language (F# would be the obvious choice after C#). The way you think about programming will change, and functional techniques will make your code more modular and easy to test.
Learn a scripting language (JavaScript being the obvious choice, but Lua is very well designed). You can't do much web-wise without JavaScript, so it is important to know, regardless of the fact it has frustrating design problems as a language.
Learn a low-level language that requires manual memory management (C is the obvious choice. Rust is excellent).
Learn a Lisp (Racket has the best learning resources, Clojure is the most practically useful). Lisps are important in that the data is the code, there isn't any separation. Lots of modern languages feed off ideas introduced by Lisp, it is helpful to be familiar with one.
Learn a language that deals well with concurrency: Erlang being the primary example, but Elixir is probably a better choice for learning. This is important for the future; an ability to easily scale applications across cores, computers, networks is massive; things that make distributed computing easier are a good thing to know. Go and Clojure are good in this respect as well, but they dont have the isolation of processes/memory Erlang/Elixir have.
Learn a logic language (Prolog, implementations of which exist in all languages; MiniKanren is a Prolog, and writing a version of it is instructive). They are a bit slow, but having an understanding of how they work makes some problems easier.
+ 1
You should go for .NET
+ 1
Hi Mitesh,
Exactly as you predicted, I'm going to tell you to start writing a program. I'm also going to offer some suggestions for projects that suit your skill level for warm up, and a few projects that will push and combine what you've learned here.
Why not build yourself a hex editor? When you break it down it is simple file reading/writing and string manipulation.
If you want something a bit more advanced check out delegates and anonymous methods for a bit of fun, or try building a web API with ASP, HTML and C# as the code behind. Its a little old hat webwise, but you can have a lot of fun with it while you're gaining your confidence in C#.
Nothing beats getting stuck in though.
I'll post some code tomorrow for you.
Good luck.
learn perfectly c# also!)