So I started the java lesson...
damn it's very difficult! the syntax is more complicated than C for me.. anyway I understand all for now YEAH! FANTASTIC APP! now I'm going to set up eclipse because I need to test my actual skills!
10 odpowiedzi
+ 3
I would recommend Intellij Idea, I like it more, there's a free and a ultimate version too
+ 5
With the disclaimer that I've not used these editors for a while, I second (the vote for) trying JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA.
Should you decide to take up Android development, you'll also find Android Studio ditched Eclipse for an IntelliJ IDEA base:
+ 2
You have to install a fresh JDK, Intellij normally automatically detect you JDK or SDK and so on.
+ 1
thank you, I'll take a look
+ 1
good luck, keep going!
+ 1
yeah I've installed the toolbox so I can manage all the tools and I've already installed intellij idea and Clion
I have to download JDE for compile the java file right? because I can't compile and run
I open intellij idea, I create a java scratch file, I write something on it, I click run ans nothing happens. only a dialog that say "edit options" appear. I'm doing something wrong?
watch a youtube tutorial if you can not follow the simple instructions given by intellij
whoah... I resolved: Instead of creating an empty project I created a java project and now it works! I'm installing the jdk since I installed only the jre. thank you for help!