+ 7

Connect freeCodeCamp account.

Does anyone know, how to connect a freeCodeCamp account to SoloLearn app? I don't have FREECODECAMP in my app settings, just GOOGLE and FACEBOOK ☹️

29th Nov 2017, 4:15 PM
Anastasia Shafigullina
Anastasia Shafigullina - avatar
8 odpowiedzi
29th Nov 2017, 4:23 PM
Shamima Yasmin
Shamima Yasmin - avatar
+ 8
I've just tried removing my FreeCodeCamp account. The add option was still showing up, added and unlocked it again 😐 Are you using the iOS app? Some features are missing on that version.
29th Nov 2017, 5:33 PM
Shamima Yasmin
Shamima Yasmin - avatar
+ 7
@Anastasia I think your app is not updated so update to latest version then you can connect your freecodecamp account you will find the freecodecamp in your app settings after updating
29th Nov 2017, 4:33 PM
MsJ - avatar
+ 3
Step 1:go to your browser and open a free code camp account using GitHub step2:after or before the verification process you will be given a username! step3:go to your sololearn settings and add your username as your free code camp for further information you can mail sololearn or read that post burey made
29th Nov 2017, 4:33 PM
᠌᠌Code X
᠌᠌Code X - avatar
+ 3
@Mohit Thank you for your answer. I've just checked updates in App Store but there is nothing to update 🤷‍♀️
29th Nov 2017, 4:47 PM
Anastasia Shafigullina
Anastasia Shafigullina - avatar
+ 1
@Shamima yes, I'm using iOS app. Maybe that's the problem. I also didn't find this feature on the Web version((
29th Nov 2017, 6:34 PM
Anastasia Shafigullina
Anastasia Shafigullina - avatar
+ 1
The iOS app seems to only have Facebook and Google. The Android app has the FreeCodeCamp option and as far as I can tell you can't do it through the web version. However, all it asked for was my username and other than giving me the badge for connecting FreeCodeCamp, I can't tell any purpose behind it.
14th Jul 2019, 7:35 AM
Lisa Ryall
Lisa Ryall - avatar
I'm on the web version, and I only see three options: LinkedIn, GitHub, and StackOverflow... where would I find it?
16th Feb 2022, 2:15 PM
Mr. Birdie
Mr. Birdie - avatar