Search for a value in a List
I have a collection of lists, that i initialized has HashMap <Integer, String [ ] > In String [ 1] i have a name, and i want to check in all the list i have, on that HashMap, wich ones have the same value in String [1] and save the Int associated with that List. Hope i wasn't very confusing.
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+ 4
i assume you want to iterate on the HashMap for a given name parameter and save all the key values which have that name appear on the string array at index 1
you could try this method implementation which returns an array list of the integers with the matching name in the index 1 array of the string:
public ArrayList<Integer> getNameKeys(String name, HashMap<Integer, String[]> map){
ArrayList<Integer> nameKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(Integer key: map.keySet()){
if(map.get(key)[1] == name)
return nameKeys;