if i want to learn web designing then which is the best language i should learn?

10th Nov 2016, 6:22 PM
Vishwas Mehra
Vishwas Mehra - avatar
4 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Thanks for the A2A. Firstly, design is very different from development. Designers use tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator and such to give the developers logos, web templates etc. But I believe you mean Web development. :-) HTML is basically the backbone of almost everything on the Web. It is the structure of your Web pages, but is very easy to obtain good knowledge of. CSS is used to style your HTML, something that designers often learn also as this is the main way to make your websites look 'pretty'. JavaScript is most often used for 'client side scripting', but in recent years is also used on the server side rather than using a language such as PHP (NodeJS if you want to look it up). JavaScript on the client side is used to give your web pages functionality. Think events.. When you 'click' on this button, do something! Reza mentioned PHP, which is a 'server side scripting' language. I don't agree with the him saying it is the "best", but nevertheless it is used for MANY companies such as Wordpress. Start with your basics - HTML, CSS. Go onto JavaScript once you want to start manipulating the DOM into doing cool stuff. Then I would suggest to look at a server side language, such as Ruby (on rails), PHP, NodeJS, Python (Django). Developers who mainly like to code on the client side are often referred to as 'front end developers', server side as 'back end developers' or both as 'full stack developers'. In the future, you may also want to look at libraries and frameworks - however don't go into them just yet. A common mistake people make is to learn jQuery (a JavaScript library) before you have a decent knowledge of JavaScript itself. Try not to feel overwhelmed with this information, but if you do just know that pretty much everyone gets stuck, even the 'pros'. Hope this helps, keep on hacking!
10th Nov 2016, 7:10 PM
James Welch
James Welch - avatar
+ 3
best can be php but first you should learn html css javascript and then php
10th Nov 2016, 6:28 PM
Reza PourMohammadHosein Niaky
Reza PourMohammadHosein Niaky - avatar
Yeah i agree with Reza you need html to for the website's structure (so it's main content)and CSS to make the website look pretty but in an efficient manner. After you have those two under your belt you can build a webpage, but now your webpage is boring and you want things to interact with the user and be dynamic that's when you start learning javascript for client side scripting and php for server side scripting.
10th Nov 2016, 6:42 PM
J.C Vega
J.C Vega - avatar
I want to make my own website and want to know how to manage everything in a website like every other websites are managed. Html i learned within a day thanks to this app really! i really appreciate the people who made it and its helping students like us to learn things. One more thing i need to ask there are so many languages everyone prefer a lot and when asked by many people they tell a hell lot of language saying this is good. Someone says something else. I m a second yr student of IT and i have got an idea of a start up and want to implement as soon as possible using my own website and hving every thing under my control.
10th Nov 2016, 7:36 PM
Vishwas Mehra
Vishwas Mehra - avatar