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[ANSWERED] How do you add a supporting code to a lesson in Lesson Factory?
I wanted to post a lesson, but some parts require a code snippet as examples. I used the code tags, but when I pressed the 'Try it yourself' button, the code shown in playground was the same as snippet. But when I tried editing and saving, there was no change to the code, and it reverted back to the snippet form. Just like other lessons, I want to provide a working code when the user presses the link to the code playground, while only the snippet is to be displayed in the lesson. How do I achieve this?
8 odpowiedzi
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@Kinshuk: As of now, we can only submit the full code and SoloLearn will remove headers etc., while reviewing our lessons.
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So you first convert the complete code for code playground, and then remove the bits you don't need? Ill try. Thank You!
+ 2
I can't still get it to work. Ill show you what I wanted.
I want to add this code :
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec1;
// Declare a vector
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) vec1.push_back(5-i);
// Assign it 5 elements.
for(int i:vec1) std::cout<<i<<" ";
// Check the original contents.
// Sort the vector.
for(int i:vec1) std::cout<<i<<" ";
// Check the vector contents.
Now, This code runs fine on Code Playground, but in the lesson, I don't need the headers and main. I just want this much :
// Sort the vector, ascending order by default.
While clicking the link below this snippet takes the user to the complete code, so that he may run and check what happens.
I found that other users who created lessons could get something like this, so I wanted to do this too. But I can't get it to work.
Please help me.
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Yes, I get it, but I just don't want to waste chars just by posting unnecessary headers in snippets. Can't I get it to work like I want, and like the others have done so in their lessons?
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In this lesson, none of the codes have the headers with the snippets. Perhaps Sololearn removed them, or is it a feature only known to some?
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Thank you sir, for confirming the details.
Thanks for the help, @Immortal.
+ 1
I could convert my snippet to a code, but I can't generate the complete code for it in Code Playground.
As in other lessons, the codes given besides the lesson don't have headers, variable declarations, etc, and just the useful part.