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What is the Correct Learning order??
Hello Big Brothers, I am novice in coding , started learning from soloLearn app, about a month ago. First I started C++(70% complete), HTML(70% complete). While learning HTML, I came to know PHP should be learned after HTML. And to understand HTML Geolocation API , JavaScript knowledge is helpful. So kindly help me to learn in right order. I want to be a pro. How can I achieve that? Help me, you people are awesome
3 odpowiedzi
+ 4
firstly, figure out what you're really interested in,in programming
if web development:
take a sololarn lesson on HTML after that go on to CSS to learn webpage styling
then learn JavaScript for addition interactivity with webpages
should also learn
php and sql for storing clients data to servers and stuff.
then move to websites that teaches advance lessons in these area
if interested in games and app development:
take a sololearn lesson on
and also c# for windows
then move on to websites that teachers advance lessons in these
with this knowledge you can do all other sorts of things like
anti virus programs
virus programs
exploit programs
html injection
sql injection
password crack
ransomware like WANA DECRYPT
and all that cool stuffs
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Hey! I don't really know how to answer your question but a friend that programs told me that I should start with HTML then CSS and then Java. It's honestly what I'm going to do and even if sometimes I don't have the knowledge needed to understand things in HTML I know that after I learn more I will understand it. So, I think that you shouldn't worry about understanding everything now, just keep trying and practicing and don't give up!
+ 1
thank you very much for giving me an idea, I'm grateful