+ 3

Other than Sololearn.

What other competitive and community programming sites your involved with ??? For example i compete also on: - Hackerrank - Codechef - Codeforces - Codingame Communities i am involved with: - Github - Data Camp (Current school) - Python software foundation. Just a few to name i believe the more your involved with the community a better more efficient programmer you'll be.

18th Dec 2017, 8:48 PM
Anthony Perez
4 odpowiedzi
+ 25
Enki, github, freeCodeCamp
19th Dec 2017, 12:37 AM
Igor Makarsky
Igor Makarsky - avatar
+ 5
Freecodecamp and Lynda.com Training exercises
18th Dec 2017, 11:01 PM
Anwar - avatar
+ 3
18th Dec 2017, 8:49 PM
᠌᠌Code X
᠌᠌Code X - avatar
+ 2
edx MITx python courses are great. they have a group on facebook for the courses.
19th Dec 2017, 6:30 AM
stephen barter
stephen barter - avatar