How does Global top 20 people get so much xp in a month?
Global top 20 is just an example. I'm curious to ask anyone who gets 3000+ xp a month. How do you achieve this? How much time do you spend here everyday and what do you usually do on SoloLearn? Thanks to all.:))
7 odpowiedzi
+ 13
You can get new badges, I got like 1500 XP from just badges, maybe even more.
Most of the XP people get is from challenges. I can see you already do challenges, keep doing them, you will get heaps of XP.
+ 9
There are many ways to get XP but playing challenges is the fastest and easiest.
+ 7
Only if you win Krishna 😉
+ 6
A lot are challenges but some are also extremely active users and get xp for upvotes on code and questions/ answers.
You can also get some pretty decent xp from some badges. I think about 1000xp of mine this month is from badges.
+ 4
it is completely on your will
if you want to be in leader board
then play continuously challenges cuz its the only way get the instant xp
otherwise you get XP from
daily streak
completing challenges
+ 3
I only come here for about 3-4 hours a day after an hectic day to relax away.Challenges are like a way to relax my mind,forget about the outer world!repeat that everyday and that's why I have 22000 XP this month!It's just about self will
+ 1
Probably challenges