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4 głosów
2 odpowiedziEclipse.. which one?
1 Głos
1 OdpowiedźYouTube
-3 głosów
5 odpowiedziif i download the programs for c++ on my pc ( codebuilds and the compiler ) and i want to write a program in my package ( workspace ) i create a new file and write smthing beginning
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
and i want to run it, it always runs this first program : Hello World. and not my written program how can i run just my written program ?
have i maybe to write anything else as
int main () {} ?
0 głosów
16 odpowiedziTable or CSV Output
0 głosów
1 Odpowiedźhello
-1 Głos
3 odpowiedziPopularne dzisiaj
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Are websites hackable?
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Learn python
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Need help (French)
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Help for study
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Spying on me
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