Dyskusje Q&A
i have two tables table_1 in database_1 and table_a in database_A. from different programs. they contain 60% the same columns. 40% is different. the columns are sorted differently. I would like to to edit only one of them an update the other automatically. Any idea on how to? Thank you in advance. With kind regards Jo Pi
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3 odpowiedzi
so although using srand(time(0)) can be used to get truly random numbers, how truly random are they? For example, if one were to call this method at the same time (in this example, if one were to use this command at 51s) each time would the numbers generated be the same???
If so, are the numbers still truly random??
And if this theory is true, how can one generate truly random numbers that cannot repeat based on external variables (e.g., time)?
2 głosów
4 odpowiedziso far in section 1 question 2 area all of the videos have been ads that if you skip the add it just brings up the questions you need to answer. also if you play the add all the way thru you get the same exact thing. luckily I'm using this as a refresher course but I would think if I didn't know anything about c++ then I could be pretty lost missing videos.
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