Dyskusje Q&A
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0 głosów
1 OdpowiedźGuys please help me with these (assignment) :
-create a function "manipulate_data" that does the following;
1.accepts as the first parameter astring specifying the data structure to be used e. g a list.
2.accepts as the second parameter the data to be manipulated based on the data structure specified e.g [1,4,9,16,25] for alist data structure.
0 głosów
7 odpowiedziif i download the programs for c++ on my pc ( codebuilds and the compiler ) and i want to write a program in my package ( workspace ) i create a new file and write smthing beginning
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
and i want to run it, it always runs this first program : Hello World. and not my written program how can i run just my written program ?
have i maybe to write anything else as
int main () {} ?
0 głosów
16 odpowiedziwhy when i use editor for that code didn't print the result automatically and i shoud insert print function first
the code is:
float (insert('enter a number: ')) + float (insert(' enter another number: '))
when i use this code in IDLE the program prints the result automatically
0 głosów
3 odpowiedziabout svg. Q1: when setting up layout size, height & width, do we need an extra layout for some things different from the first layout. ie two layouts?
Q2: what is the purpose of the size? how does it affect graphics in it?
Q3: how to treat problem of over lapping or/and over ridding?
1 Głos
2 odpowiedziHow can I read from a file this line
19 34 Gateway Arch - St. Louis, MO.
The first digit is age, second timeUsed, and the rest description. So I want to read them and store them in a variable.
The code insime my while loop of my File is int age = reader.nextInt();
Int Tused = reader.nextInt();
Description = reader.next()
0 głosów
4 odpowiedziMatt reaches the final round of a treasure hunt. In this, he finds that as he proceeds there are flags with the number written on them at different positions. The difference between two consecutive flags can be either a or b. If he finds the number on the first flag is 0. Given three integer, first one is number of flags present, second is a and third is b. then return all the possible values for last flag for each test case.
hunt({3 1 2}) = {2 3 4}
0 głosów
2 odpowiedziCSS The text-indent property I do not understand why you would use this when the </br> tag takes the text back to the left hand side of the page, and as soon as I start a new class the first line of text in a paragraph even with a class it imprints onto every other paragraph like it or not. Why is this please?
0 głosów
2 odpowiedziI want write once program but I can't!, if we write "cout<<"Hello world" ; in a console we can see momental"hello world" and nothing, but now I want see hello world like a gif animation, every letters must be showing step by step, first "H" second "e" and "l" all letters step by step in every sek time, it's possible?, excuse me I am Russian.
0 głosów
2 odpowiedziAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
-1 Głos
1 OdpowiedźAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
0 głosów
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