Dyskusje Q&A
Database Question
0 głosów
1 OdpowiedźI'm not able to create the new path, I put in the variable path and value c: program files/java/jdk1.80_101 which is what this file is named and it still doesn't work on the command prompt, everytime I put in Javac I get Javac is not recognizable as an internal or external command, operable program or botch file. please help
0 głosów
4 odpowiedzi
so although using srand(time(0)) can be used to get truly random numbers, how truly random are they? For example, if one were to call this method at the same time (in this example, if one were to use this command at 51s) each time would the numbers generated be the same???
If so, are the numbers still truly random??
And if this theory is true, how can one generate truly random numbers that cannot repeat based on external variables (e.g., time)?
2 głosów
4 odpowiedziI have a project in school and i want to add some login functions. know im planning to make an external js and there i will get the input of the user.In the login button i will put there the username input but how do i cancel the funtion if the users input is null and where should i put these method
0 głosów
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