Dyskusje Q&A
Ищу команду / Search a team.
4 głosów
6 odpowiedziAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
-1 Głos
1 OdpowiedźAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
0 głosów
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