A box can be a time capsule, refer to the comments section for more details. U.id.char.t:b ksi nwk
Autor: SidPY
I think I'll just touch, "past"'', to ''past'' the thing, that is in the, "copy and past store" thing,
I copied a bit of code, that (I think), I whould, have given as a comment in a lesson. I think I also typed, | # Dear user | before the name/username of the one I was sending to. I think i didn't have there permission to record there username, so I didn't copy that part of the code thing I was to send''.
#I think this might work, or it might not:
print("Enter a amount.")
value = float(input())
if value == int(value): # This checks the value of | value | in comparison to the value of | value | after it has been turned into a | int | If | value | is | 36.54 | then the | int(value) | might be, | 36 | and does two values are not the same.
print(The amount entered is:") # This runs regardless of wheater or not the, "if statement" runs.
print(value) # This also runs, even if the, "if statment" does not.
# Do tell me if the above works, or not.
# Anyways, I think i'll record some things about a "Time Capsule"' I might be planing to make, some time later.
print("Time Capsule idea") # This "print statment" outputs, | "Time Capsuel idea" | (a string valie)
print("Imagine, a million years from now, where the world of today, ha sturned into a ancient past. ") # If your reading this comment, then you may also be reading the text I'm typing here.' Anyways, imagine something from the past, how do we (as modern people)) know about that? We might know by ARTIFACTS and DOCUMENTS that tell about things in the past. What artifacts and documents do you think the modern world will leave behind?
print("If the world of today, were to become the past, how do we give future historians things to study from our time?") # I think (maybe) someone once said that, "We are all time travellers, that travel 'forward', in time, by one second each second", as time passes, those seconds ass up! I think I have heard 13.8 BILLON YEARS!?!? Have past since the birth of "the Universe", as what science may say. How do we know this? I think i heard that it was astronmer who I'm not sure if Ihave there premission to use there name', that found out "the Universe" was expanding. As "the Universe" is expanding, light from distant stars (and (maybe), other things) takes more time to reach us, so that light loses more energy, and (by the way, I think this is called, "red shift"), because of that, they found out that, "the Universe" is expanding. More studies, into space and time, have revealed things like light, that might have been around SINCE THE BIG BANG!!! To other things.
print("Well, that is kind-a broad, and there many ways there. "+"Like anything from archives, to recording, to just having things stay in one's family, bussniess, company, etc for a really long time.'") # Archives, are stores of important documents, and other such stuff, (like things (documents) related to, "legal stuff", and, "financial stuff"), and can be useful for historians. The archives of a nations, for instance, may hold important documents that can reveal a lot about a nation's history and heritage'. Keeping things around for a long time, can also help, and I'm not just telling about buildings and artworks. I might NOT JUST BE TELLING THINGS PEOPLE MADE', either, I think i might be telling about, "a lot pf different things", this might even include trees, as the store information, that a dendrochronologist, or a dendroclimatologist, might find out (I think), and even glaciers, as there might be gas bubbles traped in them, that can be staudied by climate scientists, and glacirologists, to learn about ancient (or (maybe)just (not sure if, "just", is used right here) "olden days"), climates.
print("I think i'm going be telling about a time capsule here, do you want to know more? (type, ''yes' 'or ''Yes'', if you do, and, 'no', or, 'No', if you don't')'") # (If ""no", or ""No"): Aw, I thought you want to know more about the time capsule, that I might make, though, it's ok if you don't.'' (else if | yes |"or"| Yes |"): Ok, so you want toknow more about the tine capsule, I think that's a great idea, ok if you don't''wanna know, but as you do, I think I'll tell you first, that the time capsule idea, might have started some days ago, when I found some old (well, maybe not to old)', news about some old time capsule, was found by historians. I think I wanted to make a time capsule since then, and there was a bix of caned food nearby, and (after the box got empty), I might have thought to make it a "time capsule", not to bury in the ground (I think it whould get wet when it rains, and it's underground, in the soil'), but, still, it's a "time capsule"' (or, I think it is). I think i have found a piece of want appeared to me to be the purfect ""ltime capsule content cover", but I'm not sure where it os now...to be comtinued'
print("") # This "print statment", here, adds a extra "new line"line thing. (I geuss/think, maybe I think so, as it might do (or, do I mean, "preform") of such)
#inputValue I comment this out, as i thought to make anoughter variable, that does a similiar thing, but has a different name.
inputStringValue = input() # Here it is.)
if inputStringValue == "Yes" or inputStringValue == "yes":
print("The time calsule (I think, \"calsule"\", is a typo of \"capsule\"), holds a array, or group, of artifacts, I think, might provide some (maybe the might, I think) information about our currnet world, to those that may come after us.")
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