+ 11
In which areas other than Programming you use to spend your time?
I'm "obsessed" with entepreneurship, self growth, marketing and economics ( expecialy finance ). Would be Cool to share some ideas and building your network! P.S. How much do you read?
13 Respostas
+ 39
Guitar, piano, music in overall âșïž
+ 14
I like reading books very much. I like to dream about new worlds and stories and to write them down, if I have some time. I like to draw too.
I like to discover something new. My last dream was violin, so on the next holidays (because my school takes all my time) I will start learning how to play the violin:)
+ 12
I like to listen music,read books,draw,disturb near and dear ones,hang out with friends(though I have few ) and I am talkative so I like to talk a lot if I find someone with same interests xD
+ 6
i'm a physicist by education, and it's my one true love (my wife shouldn't see this). that's where i spend most of my time, except coding. lately i took interest in philosophy, like to play chess and pencil drawing.
i think of myself as a philosopher too, in the sense that i have a strong liking for knowledge and ideas. one could call me even a idea/knowledge fetishist.
+ 6
It interesting that most of you spend time Reading It means that you are self aware of the benefits! Studing and learning is the way to success.
+ 4
am also open for building up a network, as i plan to do some serious coding in the future. would be great to exchange ideas. preferably through a webpage or blog. writing on the pc is much easier than on the mobile phone + sololearn is probably not the best app to share a fair amount of information.
who knows, maybe i can set up a simple blog for the beginning where we could all participate and follow (?)
+ 3
I will spend my time in my study's or using Facebook, Instagram
+ 2
I'm currently learning foreign languages. I like drawing (as you can see in my pp, mainly portraits), painting and arts and anything related to creation.
I like watching movies and dramas. I don't read much these days.
+ 1
I try to understand people. I can not stand on a person as myself. I always make empathize. But it is hard to understand, since every people is special. That is why I am interesting with computers. Because I can understand computers easily.
+ 1
it would be cool if you do.
+ 1
Mostly on school due to requirements needed to be passed by few days later
+ 1
Usually like to binge on new interesting shows on Netflix