+ 9
Hexadecimal colors tricks
Hello World! Felt like sharing this discovery with you. Generally, for most people whether full stack or half stack including me, hex codes tend to be somewhat confusing. It has been so till i recently tried to understand it best. First off, one color can be represented by many hex codes. example, #424242, rgb(255,255,255), or #101010 all refer to GREY color When you have a hex code try to partition into three, #ff ff ff ... they Stand for rgb(red, green, blue) Once done, check the block with an ff...
21 Respostas
+ 10
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Once done checking the block with ff, if itd the only one then the color is from that block. ex #01ff01 will represent GREEN as the green block hass the ff
Now, if both have ff, means the end color will be gotten by adding the colors ex... #ff01ff will give BLACK as it is from red + blue
Basic color codes
#000000 black
#ffffff white
Thanks for reading, dislike if not important so i delete the post. :)
+ 8
Thanks for sharing this with us.
One problem : are u sure that #ff01ff will give black?? I think that red+blue will give magenta. Am i wrong?
+ 4
time consuming alternative @geralt of rivia esp. when answering challenges
+ 4
@geralt Nikolay is Sololearn's best learner from Bulgaria and probably the most famous.. 21.2k followers
+ 3
@Err404 yeah i'm sure.
+ 2
sure @alfred?
+ 2
@geralt of course
+ 2
ok @alfred... im only human, gonna correct that
+ 2
Try challenging people like me, Nikolay, Igor Magarsky, Bang TU Cuong, Nikki Armesh, Brains, Nelson Lobo, Phoenix, Krishna Teja, Ace...
in short, people with levels >= to yours
+ 2
yeah, the outstanding
+ 2
sure, if you make 2000xp everyday.. just exagerating well, but you need to work much more harder than often
+ 2
i have made a background color picker with that show the Color Values
+ 1
+ 1
If want to know just go to play ground and start trying each.
+ 1
Hummm.So you are a challenger?
+ 1
Actually who is Nikolay Nachev? I saw he is at the top.
+ 1
I like that.So why people keep rejecting my challenges?
Thanks @Err4o4.So this guys you mentioned are the best ones hum? ššāŗāŗ?
I Like that.I think maybe i can beat them one day.
Thanks for you advice @Err4o4. I will follow these guys you said.And try to be the best in this thing.