+ 1

Hi can you help me to convert this procedur from pascal to c++ and help me to understand the objective of this procedur thank's

PROGRAM AppaLet; VAR tc, tf : TabCar_t; tp : TabPourcent_t; nc : integer; PROCEDURE LectureLettres (var tabCar : TabCar_t; var nbCar : integer; CarFin : char ); VAR c : char; BEGIN nbCar := 0; read (c); { lecture premier caractère } while c <> CarFin do begin nbCar := nbCar + 1; tabCar[nbCar] := c; read (c); { lecture du caractère suivant } end; readln; { absorbe le retour chariot } END;

18th Nov 2016, 3:28 PM
ben lyna
ben lyna - avatar
1 Resposta
+ 1
can you convert the working of program in simple language too I can then make a c++ program
19th Nov 2016, 10:24 AM
Sandeep Chatterjee