+ 3

Which is your methodology for saving all the coding skills you just learned :) ? ( LIKE / VOTE +1 for more visibility THANK YOU)

Do you use GitHub for examples ? or just this app ? or you use files on your computer ? or may be something else? thank you for your help

19th Jan 2018, 1:16 PM
4 Respostas
+ 2
I make paper cards and test myself while on the move, downloaded LYNDA courses so that i can review what i learnt from here and i created a program to scan through my codes to extract new coding syntax which i havent learnt
19th Jan 2018, 2:36 PM
Michael Bosher
Michael Bosher - avatar
+ 1
THANK YOU for your Answer Michael:) I don't know If you know Anki software that can help you for testing yourself with your flashcards
19th Jan 2018, 2:48 PM
+ 1
Yeah, but last time i tried it. i didnt like it. so i am trying to create my own similar software. Thats why i love coding. if you can think it, you can make it and it automates all the mundane stuff that would take longer to if it wasnt for scripts
24th Jan 2018, 5:26 PM
Michael Bosher
Michael Bosher - avatar
Okay nice ! don't forget to show me the result.
24th Jan 2018, 6:04 PM