+ 5
Is Linux the preferred OS for programmers? Which OS do you prefer? What are the advantages/disadvantages?
What is the better OS for developing code or programing Linux, Apple or Microsoft?
8 Respostas
+ 3
I appreciate the input and opinions I was under the impression that "real" programmers and coders preferred Linux
+ 8
linux performances stay constant, windows (10) experience on the same machine slows down with time to a point that is barely usable.
hardware compatibility issues are in average same: windows10 upgrade lost my sd card reader, latest update lost the wifi.
on ubuntu (i prefere mint tbh) everything still works fine(same machine) but some printers are not recognized....
apple is unreasonably expensive for me
+ 5
I only really care for learning assembly. Linux assembly seems much easier to understand than Windows. Other than that, I prefer Windows.
After actually trying Linux for more than just an hour, I prefer Linux now. It’s much more customizable than Windows and also more secure.
+ 4
I would say for learning C and how OS actually works Linux is the best choice, if you want a stable system I recommend MAC OS(or you can build a hackintosh as I did - just don't update it very often or you will spend days to make it working again) or Windows if you develop apps for Windows. In few years many apps will be running in the docker containers and OS will not matter too much. Imagine you can run VIsual studio on MAC and develop .NET core apps on Mac? pretty cool.
+ 3
hello knight from what I understand, the OS you use is not a real factor if you are interested in writing code. code can be written using a Mac, Windows or Linux OS. I use Windows. Some good comments above^^^
+ 3
glad you enjoyed learning html, keep it up knight
hi david can u help me here
i have just finished html and can u tell easy langauge to learn for a begginer like me who just finished html