+ 2
Okay i am new here and im having a little trouble remembering everything any suggestions on that?
remembering lessons
4 Respostas
+ 5
when you first start don't worry about remembering everything. Concentrate on the way everything works first. Syntax and structure. Once you have that then worry about memorizing things. You will find as you continue to type more and more code how easy it gets. You will start to remember stuff without realizing it.
+ 4
When I’m learning a new language, I often have to go back to earlier lessons to remember how to do something. It will get better, very slowly, but with practice you will remember eventually.
+ 3
welcome !
if you want help remembering you can play the challenges here and compete with other C++ learners
have this handy reference : https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/c++/ , it's kind of a quick refresh now and then
if you wanna learn more, go hands on you can go to codecademy.com and other websites i haven't quite found yet lolol
codecademy gives free courses on C++ and other languages too, but you need a pc
i hope i helped !