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Why is that programs don't run when d syntax >>> is entered

coding error

29th Jan 2018, 4:42 PM
Amos Chuks
Amos Chuks - avatar
5 Respostas
29th Jan 2018, 5:19 PM
Dev - avatar
Sololearn gave the ">>>" sign just to show you how the console looks. You are not supposed to give that one in your code.
29th Jan 2018, 4:50 PM
Abdullah Omar Nasseef
Abdullah Omar Nasseef - avatar
this cause syntax error.write it as cin>>a>>
3rd Feb 2018, 6:42 AM
Fida Rehman
Fida Rehman - avatar
@Fida Rehman Python?
3rd Feb 2018, 11:38 AM
Abdullah Omar Nasseef
Abdullah Omar Nasseef - avatar
it is for c++
4th Feb 2018, 2:41 PM
Fida Rehman
Fida Rehman - avatar