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Where can i can the list of colors in codes?
7 Respostas
+ 4
you can find hexadecimal codes of common colors in internet it is in color picker tool of w3school developer tool of chrome and eye dropper Firefox there are tools too there are online services but you need to learn it because it is all maths you yourself can calculate code from color
what it contains is amount of red green and blue range of amount is kept 0 255 or 0 63
in hexadecmalav it means color between 00 to FF or 0 to F
so if there is red only red no mixture of blue green it will be .FF0000 now dark red 660000
now green 00FF00 blue ...
0000FF black 000000 grey 666666*
+ 2
With this tool you can find the colors you need.
Happy Codes!
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use css3generator.com and click choose something you will find easier
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<a href="http://htmlcolorcodes.com">
+ 1
There are hexadecimal code for color. You can copy and paste the code of respected colour
Download the color cop for the color code it's only 2+ MB,Its amazing
Link to Tarsbir's comment: http://colorcop.net/download/