+ 5
How to find the frequency of numbers of in an array?
A code to output the number each element of the array occurs. {5,8,9,2,5,9} 2:1 5:2 8:1 9:2
6 Respostas
+ 14
// a simple approach
firstlt sort the array , so that if there were duplicate elements then they will be adjacent to each other , now run a loop from n=0 , arr.length-2
a variable p inside that loop ,
put a if else statement inside it , if arr [n]==arr [n+1] , then increase p , else print previois no. & value of p & then initialize p with 0 again đ
+ 4
In Java I would use HashMap. See example in my code here: https://code.sololearn.com/cPWZUgEEkD0t/#java
+ 2
In which language?
My approach would be to create an empty array. Then iterate through the number array. Then for every new number, insert a new object to the new array. The new object should have the current number and a counter for the frequency.
+ 1
arr = [5, 8, 9, 2, 5, 9]
freq_map = {}
for v in arr:
if v in freq_map:
freq_map[v] += 1
freq_map[v] = 1
- 2
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