What is the difference between primary key and super key?
5 Respostas
+ 4
Primary Key: Primary key is the columns you choose to maintain uniqueness of each colume in a table. Like EmployeeID or student roll number can be use as primary key. Here student roll number is unique for a particular class. No two student can have same roll no in same class. As employeeID for a company is unique.
4. Super Key: If you add any other column/attribute to a Primary Key then it become a super key, like EmployeeID + FullName is a Super Key. And if there is more than one class data is stored on same table, then to make uniqueness of colume then you can use class id + student roll no. And this is called a super key.
Hope you understand, for more comment
+ 3
Think about a student table having name, roll number, age,class_id.
int roll_number , age, class_id;
primary key (roll_number, class_id)
And this code description is given in my pervious example.
Remember this code is not that valid because syntax error. But to create a primary key is correct. You can use it.
I need a good example for super key
ty aditya
Minimal column which are sufficient to identify row is primary key. Super keyalso use for identify row but one super key may be contain more than 1 primary key or combination of primary keys known as super key. Both used for uniquely identify of row. Table contain more than 1 candidate key but only 1 primary key.