+ 2
MySQL make rows
Hey i was able to make 5 columns but i am unable to make rows, even in the tutorial they haven't shown how to make rows. Please explain with a picture,also i am using xampp so please explain with reference to xampp. Also if u tell to use the insert command, where do i have to type it,please help am a newbie
1 Resposta
+ 17
for making 5 rows
//👉U need to type 5 INSERT statements , one after another
/* As every record will be having some different data to be inserted in a column(most probably , if there is a primary key,unique as a constraint)*/
Even if there is no constaint , then also its req. to type 5 Insert statements , btw in keyboard there is a button for getting recent commands u entered , U can use that to Insert records quickly [I do the same]