+ 2

Is there any solution to be engaged every time to the course because I am getting distracted by my important tasks like tasks?

2nd Mar 2018, 4:08 PM
Shreeya Sharma
Shreeya Sharma - avatar
6 Respostas
+ 6
@Shreeya I don't know what's going on for you in life, but just know that things can certainly get better, especially if you make them better yourself. I've been in that place in my life before also, but I'm happy that I'm still here and able to pursue what I want, and then share it with others. Many days are hard, but always keep hope for tomorrow alive; stay curious. I really do wish you the best in life, and if you stay focused on what you're wanting to achieve, you'll do amazing things with the life you've been given. As someone once said, be the change you want to see in the world, don't wait for the world to change for you.
2nd Mar 2018, 4:28 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 3
As Accept Decline said, eliminate as many distractions as you possibly can. Turn off your phone, TV, etc... for example. Also, think about the reasons why you're doing any of this to begin with. What is your goal in the short/long term? Why do you want to be a programmer? You need to remember why you do what you do and have a good enough reason to see it through, if not a good enough excuse will always find its way to you. Once you know why you're doing this, place reminders around your work area so you can keep remembering your goal. Remember, your goals are just dreams with deadlines. This isn't ideal for everyone, but if you can obtain physical books, that may speed things along since you can't surf other websites from a book. ;) Another tactic that I use for myself, because my attention span is that of a little kid, is the "One Chapter Method." Basically, my goal every day is to simply read just ONE chapter. That is a very easy milestone to reach each day and it doesn't take a lot of time to do so. As well, if you read just one chapter a day, you'll easily finish in a relatively short amount of time. However, the trick to this method is that once you read just one chapter using this method, most of the time it causes you to get engaged into the material and you end up reading more than just one chapter. You still have a sense of accomplishment because you reached your goal and then some, and even if you just read the one chapter, you complete your goal for the day and are a chapter closer to finishing. Best of luck to ya!
2nd Mar 2018, 4:23 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 2
Go in a quiet environment like I library and set a dedicated time to do the course.
2nd Mar 2018, 4:12 PM
Accept Decline
Accept Decline - avatar
+ 2
you know Jakob I know my goal in this following points 1.why my goal is 2.what this is to do in my life 3.is this really a supportive 4.why should I do this For me my goal also is that whenever I read anything it should be just written on my brain because I love to byheart .And the best thing is that when someone examines you that you know actually or not ,then the written format shall be usefull And for now I don't need course goal to be finished off because I am busy with my studies and for your information I am only in 8th grade. But my dad sees me as a stone , himself as a carving man,. He says that I am carving for better shape for future to stand on your dignity . But I don't want to.Iam doing with my own pace.he says that do what I say..
2nd Mar 2018, 4:40 PM
Shreeya Sharma
Shreeya Sharma - avatar
+ 2
Distractions are the outcome of not having all the tools that work for you to keep what you want to learn ingraved in your long term memory! There is a website and app for ipads that teaches “How to study tools that works for you”. Coursera.org And they have a course from the University of California, San Diago called - “Learning how to learn” and it teaches different ways of focusing on what you are doing to move your short term memory into long term memory. Enroll in the FREE course and you’ll find what works for you! I’ll give you my example: I have to SEE something difficult accomplished to learn how it works, I do what I understand, then (chunk) dissect the sections I don’t understand and work on each section until I do understand, then I create a map on simple mind app so all I have to do is look at it and remember everything (visual notes)! I also use mind-mapping (there is an app “simple mind”) that you use to map linking everything together. Then when you look at it you remember everything. :>)
2nd Mar 2018, 5:23 PM
Jan Sunshine53
Jan Sunshine53 - avatar