+ 13
What is the easiest way to remember everything you learn?
ive tried taking notesbut it gets frustrating to keep track of it all. i just cant seem to remember anything except a few basics.
64 Respostas
+ 52
Repetition is the mother of skill.
+ 31
The simplest way is to practice, you can make a random webpage just for fun using notepad,etc to practice.
Secondly, somethings can be remembered by relating the elements to your daily life routine or something.
+ 15
its difficult but only way is practice
repetition of whatever we have learned helps us to be familiar with it
+ 10
How to remember:
1.) Use them ALOT
2.) Study then when you dont remember
3.) flash cards (that usually helps)
4.) Books(books and google will be your best friend from now on)
Hope i was helpful to you :)
+ 8
It's helpful to start your own practice project while learning. Create a new folder on your computer dedicated to your project and download a good text editor. You can also use Notepad (if on Windows), but there are text editors that are specifically made for coding. Practice often and try new things in different ways. View all of your changes in a browser as you go along.
I'm not sure if these lessons cover this, but when you create html files with a text editor, you have to rename the extension from .txt to html. You can open the html file with whichever browser you use so you can see how it looks.
+ 7
test yourself everyday
+ 5
You have to practice it again and again many times.
It will also give you to chance to explore new and amazing things.
It will explore your ideas and enhances your imaginations.
I think the best programmer is the person who has infinite imaginations.
+ 4
I relearn it through other sites. Resetting progress and doing it over again also helps. But right now I learn from four different sites with five I will do once I finish learning from the others. Most of these sites have all the same languages. So I can relearn the same language over and over again then do the same with another later. I also have a project fir myself as a goal to test my learning.
+ 4
Extend the idea of practice into practical where you can. To resurrect an old electronics project using a Raspberrypi, I am faced with learning to code in Python so I can add solar panels and a battery to a water pump. Will it feed me? No, and I don't expect it to. But, learning to use code to replace much of the old-fashioned circuit parts will help me retain the new ways of things better than coding just to code. Find a real world problem (even a small one) and it will stick!
+ 3
Do it heaps and heaps :-)
+ 3
challenge yourself with codes:
Even if you have built in functions, try to write your own that makes the same as the built in function you wanted to use.
great way to improve you technics.
+ 2
the easiest way to remember everything you learn?
enjoy what you are learning and never stop being interested or courious...lot of practice is a consequence of a good study session
+ 2
to remember something we have to practice it enough, when you will practice a concept enough your brain will recall that concept when you need it automatically without puting much effort.
+ 2
play some brain games (eg peak) ull surely get changes not only wrt your memory but in other aspects too(like communication,focus etc)
+ 2
use it, not in a dry way like I'll deliberately use this one time, but like build a website or database or whatever as a practice, but about something you like, and put everything in it. For example, I was getting used to Access VBA and SQL back end programming, so built a football database using Access front end and had data types like money, date, Boolean (bit), because I wanted to handle it and also manipulate it. Notes are useful, but build, practice, build, repeat.
+ 2
I've been doing the tutorials over and over.
+ 2
The simplesf answer is practise makes perfect... the more u use it, the more familiar u are with it
+ 2
I like to write everything I learn down in a notebook(although it may not be the most effective way). Then, after I complete the course, I do the course again without writing anything down.
Then find other apps or websites with practice codes or challenges you can complete to make yourself even MORE familiar with the language. And maybe make and post some codes in the Code Playground and see how people like them.
That's how I did JavaScript.
Of course, remember that it would be extremely difficult to remember EVERYTHING about a language straight off the top of your head. Nobody's perfect like that. It's good to refer back every once in a while.
+ 1
practice makes perfect...datz what i do...
+ 1
I've got the same problem bro. For me the most difficult part is to understand why do I need that, to see a practical application of things. You can't find out why you need a loop or array unless you are busy using them to create something yours.
So that seems to be the answer, try to make something from scratch.