- 3

Should i regularly post hacking tutorials

I wanna teach guys that are entering IT security bout pentesting(hacking) and network forensics and I don't wanna waste my time if people don't read so I wanna ask before I start if I should post hacking tutorials periodically also follow me for a deeper knowledge on hacking -Stormz_the_hacker

6th Mar 2018, 3:57 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
40 Respostas
+ 10
We would encourage you to post your thing in the designated thread instead of creating one thread for each. https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/563537/?ref=app
6th Mar 2018, 3:59 PM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 6
@Jonathan... You trip me up and I thoroughly enjoy your responses. @Stormz... It's great you want to share what you know about "hacking". However, posting a question to gauge the level of interest is silly. People really don't know what specifically will be presented or the quality of the material. My advice is to just do it. It will probably be better to present your material in code playground so you can offer greater flexibility with formatting and starting different discussion threads. Also, your posts will get lost over time in Q&A. You should be prepared to know there is always the risk that people aren't going to connect with your material. If you are truly concerned about wasting your time in this community, aim for a more targeted audience with a dedicated website. At least then you can build a micro community of people interested in your content.
12th Mar 2018, 7:19 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 5
I agree with @David Carroll here, just go ahead, show the world what true *ethical hacking* (not cracking) really is, by showing *up to date solid proof working examples* tutorials and how-tos, backed with strongly *valid materials and white papers* to support the examples (no hoax). Nothing should cover *outdated or fixed/patched* security issues (or exploits), and of course, it's *extremely* critical to have *crystal clear* explanations of how everything works, not the standard way of "just download *this* and then do *that*" kind of stuff. And just like codes, I do not think people expect nor enjoy to see a mildly modified copies taken from the net to be claimed a personal work or craft, it applies for the samples, and supporting materials as well. Start with penetration detection first, I think it's crucial, looking forward...and backward..
13th Mar 2018, 4:35 AM
+ 5
@Gokul... The referenced quote about "hypocrisy" implies that people using "tools developed by others" are "script kiddies". Jonathan was only trying to clarify that such tools are also used by professionals, not just "script kiddies". Therefore, it's not actually hypocritical for Stormz to claim not to be a "script kiddie and at the same time uses tools developed by others." I hope that helps with the confusion. Ultimately, I think you guys agree on everything. 😉
13th Mar 2018, 7:47 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 3
Jonathan... How did you end up working as a pent tester? Did you start out in sys ops, QA, or development before switching to this specialized field or did you start off here from the beginning?
13th Mar 2018, 7:54 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 2
Well here is my advice. Dont tell the community what You can do instead show it. Go for the tutorials you wanna give. But i wonder how you are gonna do? posting like questions? You will get many dislikes. Or the best way is to use code playground and design a blog. But how are you going to do when u are not free?? And u claim not to be a script kiddie and at the same time uses the tools developed by others (hypocrisy? ).
13th Mar 2018, 5:13 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
+ 1
well it gave me installation error the following installation process failed: install the system I don't know why that happened usually it would just finish that then go to installing grub bootloader
8th Mar 2018, 7:22 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
+ 1
by busy I mean study for exams
8th Mar 2018, 7:23 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
well it gave me installation error the following installation process failed: install the system I don't know why that happened usually it would just finish that then go to installing grub bootloader
8th Mar 2018, 7:22 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
@Jonathan thats what i said
13th Mar 2018, 11:21 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
was that a question?
13th Mar 2018, 11:24 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
?? I was just asking him to present his tutorials inside a blog in code playground. hope u saw that
13th Mar 2018, 11:26 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
Yes whats wrong with it?
13th Mar 2018, 11:31 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
You are always free to correct me...
13th Mar 2018, 11:32 AM
Gokul Nagarajan
Gokul Nagarajan - avatar
- 1
wait do you mean I should write all the tutorials here???
6th Mar 2018, 5:24 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
- 1
nope I could I even did its just that I had probs on it so I tried installing it again cauze I was frustrated with grub rescue and since then when I try installing Kali full it fails so I dual boot and use lite
6th Mar 2018, 10:02 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
- 1
no need to insult me I ain't no script kid I just wanna do this for people that don't go to websites like nullbyte to learn that's where I learnt hacking but still if you have doubts then that's just you
6th Mar 2018, 10:05 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
- 1
FYI I could install Kali but something's wrong with ma disk I can boot live though
6th Mar 2018, 10:07 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
- 1
for everyone that is reading this and wanna learn hacking I advise hacking is not for the faint of heart its for people who are serious or just wanna make it a hobby (at least for me) most hackers use Linux distributions(Kali Linux especially) instead of windows but if you run windows you can install Kali on a virtual machine and um I am kind of busy right now I wanna study for my exams so I advice you all to go to Xeushacks.com to learn the basics and Nullbyte.com to learn too I advice start with xeushacks and then go to null byte if you use an android then download hacking tutorials 2.0 if you don't wanna go to xeushacks.com PEACE!!!!!
8th Mar 2018, 5:07 AM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar
- 1
everything goes well until installing the system I erase partition write new partition and install in that partition as Kali is installing in that partition it will not be completed and it will return "an error occurred in the installation process 'installing the system'"
9th Mar 2018, 4:42 PM
@Stormz_The_Hacker. - avatar