+ 5
What is the main diffeeence in HTML and HTML5 ?
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6 Respostas
+ 5
Well there's the use of the number 5 :-), but beyond that, the doctype declaration has been simplified. There are new tags, such as <audio>, <video>, <section> and <article> and other tags are no longer used such as <font> and others...there are some new APIs too, but I think <audio> and <video> support are the main ones...
+ 3
thanks,Any more tag change in HTML5
+ 2
Yes check out http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_new_elements.asp
+ 2
New Elements in HTML5
<article>, <aside>, <audio>, <canvas>, <datalist>, <details>, <embed>, <footer>, <header>, <nav>, <output>, <progress>, <section>, <video>, and even more!
+ 2
html5 is an enhanced version of html.
go through this link 😆👇
+ 2
styling and scripting are enhanced, and such makes it more comprehensive.