+ 16

I think somebody is using multiple account.

@sololearn I think somebody is using multiple account to downvote other people posts/codes. Is this possible ? In about less than 10 minutes I was downvoted by 6 accounts on everything I ever posted.

1st Dec 2016, 8:03 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
19 Respostas
+ 7
@Sandeep it's fine I don't mind if they unvote all my codes but thanks for letting me know. I liked your code because I posted a comment with some suggestions ;) even though it's not complete it's a good start!
1st Dec 2016, 8:57 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 5
why would anyone do that anyway? what' s the point? why would they be angry at me?
1st Dec 2016, 8:24 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 5
@Aditya If you scroll down on my profile you will notice some comments with many downvotes, also if you check my codes. Even though I had upvotes they are still down. Something I noticed is that sololearn liked/upvoted 3 of my comments that had -4/-5 votes and it looks like those people took the downvotes away from those comments. Very weird... and after that "they" (I still think it's someone using multiple accounts) stopped down voting. So this is why this post was not downvoted..
1st Dec 2016, 8:29 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 5
lol that code is fun @designing
1st Dec 2016, 8:36 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 5
@designing you can add a random price to your carshop code to display the value of the car. Also you can add some place you can travel to with the car! Just saying it's a clever code, you can have fun making it more complex. Using some if/switch/ depending on the index of the array do something different
1st Dec 2016, 8:51 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 4
@Gabriel not really. Maybe they didn't like the codes I posted about calendar which are very basic and anyone with some Java skills know how to make ? I really don't know. Maybe it's some kind of bug, for example see now all my comments have been downvoted in like 5 minutes by 4-7 different people.
1st Dec 2016, 9:27 AM
R2-D2 - avatar
+ 2
Yeap, that girl is right. If it so, then somepeople are really angry with you. But why did you not get down vote on this question.
1st Dec 2016, 8:23 AM
Aditya kumar pandey
Aditya kumar pandey - avatar
+ 2
maybe noob invasion?
1st Dec 2016, 8:52 AM
waleed hamed
+ 2
hey good news the team sololearn has deleted those fake accounts. thanks team Sololearn but I think my codes are still downvoted they say they have fixed it but may be not fixed because they were not public I made them nonpublic when I got two downvotes on each.
1st Dec 2016, 10:34 AM
Sandeep Chatterjee
+ 1
maybe noob invasion?
1st Dec 2016, 8:53 AM
waleed hamed
+ 1
Have you posted obvious answers to questions to "help" others, wrong explanations, wrong code? People down vote this all the time.
1st Dec 2016, 9:12 AM
Gabriel Comaniciu
Gabriel Comaniciu - avatar
+ 1
Bots could do this, or a person with multiple devices. I have that, and a friend with more still; I even had a boss once who implied I should click ads for a company he didn't like (to deplete their ad budget). But...there are ways to detect these shenanigans that SoloLearn can do if you've notified them.
1st Dec 2016, 10:27 AM
Kirk Schafer
Kirk Schafer - avatar
+ 1
someone did the same thing to me. I have functional and original code that actually DOES something. lol. some people just have no lives xD
1st Dec 2016, 10:34 PM
Aaron Schocke
Aaron Schocke - avatar
- 1
@Designing,lol I just loved your comment😂😂
3rd Dec 2016, 11:16 AM
Himalay Ranka
Himalay Ranka - avatar