How i can call a function twice in same line?
I wanna get two inputs in 1 line with space.for example: while True: row,column=func(int(input)),func(int(input))
2 Respostas
+ 1
First of all, Thats not recommended, just get one input. then use the .split function. and run a loop on the string.
Second of all, Your code makes no sense. What are you trying to do?. please be more specific next time.
+ 1
First off, you need parentheses after 'input', like so 'input()'
Secondly, what you could do is:
row, column = input('Enter row: '), input('Enter column: ')
Or, you could get both from the same input using the '.split()' function:
x = input('Enter row and column: ').split()
row, column = x[0], x[1]
This way, you could get both values through the same input, separated by a space.