+ 3
Becoming Junior C# developer
What is needed to become C# junior developer?
2 Respostas
+ 12
to know C# good 😉
+ 4
Below are the things you should know as Junior entry level C# developer.
i)OOP -Object oriented paradigm to reuse ,reduce code and solve real world problems .Learn to achieve them using c# language.
ii)Data types:When to use decimal over int and conversion from one type to another .Can we convert to another type ?Does it fail or not?If yes why such thoughts must strike your mind while learning.
iii)Generics:From classes to structures to non generics. Lists,dictionaries ,stacks,queues ,threads,locks.
Apart from this you should know design patterns in general .
If you are able to figure out the compile time and run time error with complex objects then you are not anymore junior developer.