Code Playground couldn't work with objects in JS?
I'm currently reading a book, and it has an exercise, in which, I have to convert an array to an object. I couldn't find the solution, so I searched instead the solution and find that in doesn't work in the CP (Code Playground) but in other browsers (or editors), it works. Is this a misfunction in the CP or it's just SoloLearn not able to work with this?
10 Respostas
+ 5
[object Object]
is the normal output...
Maybe some browsers could improve console.log() output to be more explicit...
What you could do, would be to explicitly output JSON string of your object:
instead of:
+ 3
It seems to work for me...
Wich error message do you got?
I guess that your device not support ES6 "let" keyword: try to replace them by "var" ;)
+ 1
Thanks Haris but I think it was me, not fully understanding the contents of the book I read.
+ 1
No problem.
We learn from mistakes and unexpected behaviour in codes. ☺
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For deeper information:
When you write/log some object, JS try to convert it to string... the default string for an object is "[object Object]"... but you could customize it by defining a .toString() method to it, wich is called when object is required to be converted as string:
function MyObject(prop) {
this.prop = prop;
this.toString = function() {
return "this is an instance of MyObject, with property = "+this.prop;
The JSON.stringify() method, is a quick way to log an object properties, but could show two much informations (on complex objects) or not some others expected ;)
Solo isn't always working as a normal compiler/browser.
It's probably Sololearn's fault.
On the other hand I never encountered a problem with webcodes on solo.
So I must ask did you code everything as the book said?
(I didn't look at your code.)
that's not it, let seems work to me. output I get is:
[object Object]
when the output should've been:
list = {
value: 1
rest: list {
/* and so */
Yep, I copied the code in the book and it works for them, just not for SoloLearn.
Try it on brackets editor(or any other web editor), if it works there your code is fine.
Sololearn is a platform for beginners and it's inherently limited at some aspects.
Thanks visph, the book I read did mentioned some JSON methods and it seems to work now, thanks!