+ 1
what only the programming languages that has greater utility in the workplace?
3 Respostas
+ 1
They can all be utilized in their respective ways. Each and every one of them that you'll learn has an application in the workplace and elsewhere. Ultimately, to answer that question properly I would need for you to tell me which job you're trying to get. Each job has its own specifications and things that they do, and as a result, they'll be using whatever technologies compliment the tasks they need to complete.
Let me ask you. What type of job are you seeking to get? Programming is involved in MANY fields, especially today, so there are many directions you can go with this.
ok thanks for your answer but for example the developers in the automotive area, which is the programming language used?
If I were to guess, considering what's being programmed, I'd say learn C/C++ for such. However, I have no experience with the automotive industry, so I'm not as useful in that area. You're basically programming the chip in it, so you'll want to have a good understanding of the embedded systems also. More than likely though, it's C or C++, so I would learn those first.
I would also recommend doing further research on that specific field in the industry. I'm sure there are plenty of resources online for it.
Either way, best of luck to you!