Is this course enough?
Is this sololearn course enough for professional programming? Really I wanted to be a computer engineer but I am not able to higher study in computer science. so I want to know that, after all course of sololearn, am I able to do computer programming like professional? (I know a little English, so don't laugh at my English please :( )
6 Respostas
+ 1
Offcourse not ! I do computer engineering and when we do a programming language there is much more to know and to learn. Although i would reccomend this app just to help you have an idea and learn the basics of programming.
+ 1
wow, many many thanks #Mr_Robot
+ 1
Completing the course will definetly help you a lot with learning programming However it won't be enough. The main point is that you don't need to study to be a professional programmer. I mean programming isn't about knowing the vocabulary of a language The best way to learn is by youtube, books and a lot of practice. There are plenty very successful programmers who haven't studied. If you want to be a pro in programming you need to have a very good understanding of your favorite programming language a lot of fantasy and patients because you will fail very often - that's normal
hope this helps
Thank you #Mr_Robot Can you suggest me what next I should do?
Nothing my friend , good work ;)
- 1
I would suggest you to start learning C , buy a book for example and then the other languages will be much more easier for you to learn. Try also youtube ;)