+ 1

Where can i get get free programming resources ....(i am a beginner)

I need some additional materials....

13th Apr 2018, 11:32 AM
4 Respostas
+ 1
There are a lot of courses on YouTube, Udemy, Coursera.
13th Apr 2018, 11:44 AM
Bartosz Pieszko
Bartosz Pieszko - avatar
+ 1
I think in the internet u have chance to find what u want
13th Apr 2018, 2:10 PM
stKhaDgar - avatar
Udemy is great!
13th Apr 2018, 11:51 AM
daniel scott
daniel scott - avatar
Codecamp Codeacademy W3schools Codepen (for showcasing and sharing code, or just reading and learning by understanding other peoples code) Learn.shayhowe.com for html and css Css diner (for practicing css selectors) Codewars for practicing programming languages Odin project for JavaScript, ruby on rails, nodeJs,html and css Coursera (free if you dont want the certification) edX Ga Dash Khan academy MIT opencourseware Microsoft virtual academy learntocodewith.me/posts/code-for-free/ has some good links that tell you which free resources are available for each language.
3rd Nov 2019, 7:48 AM
Lorecan de Robillard
Lorecan de Robillard - avatar