how to create a website to be interactive?
2 Respostas
An interactive website, in programming, is meant to be a website that uses JavaScript as it's also called "the language that makes a website interractive" but I know you did not mean that.
I think that you were talking about how it looks (CSS). Bootstrap is a great, quick way to make a website interractive and beautiful. In order to make a website even MORE intereactive, you will need to learn Marketing at university or Online. (It highly depends on what are you after.
Have a bug-free coding and next time post questions that may have a clear ansewer, going right to the subject.
simplest and best solution would be using java script and jquery
there's a good java script course in solo learn to start from zero to good
as for jquery go to codeacademy.com there's great jquery course along side with every language u need for web development including html, css, java script, ruby rail, angula... etc