+ 11

Is C++ the best language to start with?

Considering the value of C++ and the job hiring requests based on this language knowledge across the world why would you want to start learning from scratch another language besides C++ since C++ is basically the "mother" that almost all modern languages derived from? Once you master C++ language you can then easily learn other languages like java or python. Correct me if I'm wrong.

16th Dec 2016, 10:56 PM
Mielu - avatar
38 Respostas
+ 23
Welcome to Sololearn and congratulations on making the choice of becoming a programmer! :-) Programming is all related. To start coding you need to think like a coder. For that I highly recommend you to focus on a high-level language, such as: Python, HTML, Java or C#. These are all great choices for whatever you would want to focus on. Object-orientation is a beautiful method to program in and since C++ (lower-level language) and many other high-level langs provides this it might also help to look into other languages first who covers this part as well, only on a more straightforward way. 1. Python does not deal with any user-interface which makes it a very fast language but it is also a truly dynamic language. It is actually, hands-down, my favorite language! Because of its wide variety and mixed simplicity - just to mention a few: backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing, productivity tools, games, and desktop apps. So there are plenty of choices for you to cover here BRANCH: Ruby, PyPy, backend 2. HTML is considered to be the easiest and mainly focus on websites in general BRANCH: great to pick up CSS, JavaScript and PHP. 3. Java is a massive language and might demand a high-end computer to work properly but is fully portable and can be used on any device. Often used in apps, platform games and low-performance programs. BRANCH: JavaScript, SQL 4. Lastly C# is one of the most appreciated languages, often used on Microsoft platform such as apps and games. great for gaming and unity coding. If you want to go C++ then C# is your natural choice. BRANCH: C++, Unity The golden rule in programming is to not spread out too much or you will mix the code together and face unnecessary frustration and several hours of extra work. Instead 'branch out'... : HTML into, PHP and CSS. C# into C++ and Unity. Java into JavaScript and so on... To help you even further here's a great link to help you decide: www.bestprogramminglanguagefor.me/q Dr.
19th Dec 2016, 9:07 PM
Tristan McCullen
Tristan McCullen - avatar
+ 6
well... I agree it's difficult to learn C++ besides other easier languages right from the start but I see it like this: that's the whole point :)... if you manage to master C++ before any other language, than the rest of them will be like a piece of cake... at least that's how I see it :)
16th Dec 2016, 11:30 PM
Mielu - avatar
+ 5
i think java is the best. it contains most of the basic concepts for a beginner like me and you. also it has many advantages: 1)write once read anywhere. 2)it's object oriented...after you become fimiliar with handling java codes you can download uploaded methods and classes and use them in your project, much more easier than invent wheel from the beginning!! 3)it has lots of users around the world. 4)and much more...
19th Dec 2016, 10:02 PM
Yazdan Hamidi
Yazdan Hamidi - avatar
+ 5
thx al
27th Mar 2017, 9:31 PM
Umut DalkılıƧ
Umut DalkılıƧ - avatar
+ 4
I would say no bc of how difficult can be for a beginner. you can always try tho
16th Dec 2016, 11:23 PM
NICKALL [EP] - avatar
+ 3
it will be good if you stat with C in the beginning. that will help you a lot in learning other programming languages
20th Dec 2016, 5:28 AM
Manu S
Manu S - avatar
+ 3
yes it is the best programming language as well as u can start with c language so u can have basic concepts and fundamental so that u can take a one step ahead into c++ world...since c++ is successor of c language...after all choice is your...
21st Dec 2016, 4:44 AM
Sumit Urkude
Sumit Urkude - avatar
+ 3
Yes C++ is best for start. In C++ you learn OPP concept. After C++ -> Java After completing both technology you should learn HTML -> CSS -> JavaScript Java is most popular technology. Salesforce, Android etc. based on java.
21st Dec 2016, 4:45 AM
Avanish Kumar
Avanish Kumar - avatar
+ 3
19th Jun 2017, 8:59 AM
Nivetha Anbalahan
Nivetha Anbalahan - avatar
+ 2
C++ was the first language I learned. I took my 3 fundamentals courses in it (first semester was just C; second semester got into classes, exceptions, templates, etc.; third semester got into algorithms like stacks/queues, doubly linked lists, etc.). After the fundamentals 3 class it was about a year before I took programming in a UNIX environment (this was last semester). Right now I'm learning Java through Lynda.com and it has been coming pretty easily for me. If you can understand a more difficult language that doesn't do as much for you (like garbage collection, C-style pointers), then other languages that do all of that behind the scenes is more easily picked up.
17th Dec 2016, 2:20 AM
scott johnson
scott johnson - avatar
+ 2
from my point of view Python is the most beginner friendly language and it is powerful also. with Python you get good exposure to modern day programming. and Python is involve in many areas of development from game, desktop app, etc. and even micro codes for microcontrollers. above all in Python you get better readability of code and better understanding. so go for Python as your first language.
20th Dec 2016, 5:30 AM
Pushpendra Tripathi
Pushpendra Tripathi - avatar
+ 2
Ya. Its easy to understand c++ for starting
20th Dec 2016, 8:10 AM
Adarsh aloz
Adarsh aloz - avatar
+ 2
It depends on what you want to do. But i suggest to learn Python, HTML and C#. C++ is also a good and useful language. But i say this again it depends.
20th Dec 2016, 3:34 PM
Amirhosein Gharaati
Amirhosein Gharaati - avatar
+ 2
Python is the best option when it comes to starting. But try to choose your language based on your interest.
20th Dec 2016, 10:40 PM
sirspy - avatar
+ 1
I guess doing python first will be easier then starting with c
19th Dec 2016, 4:40 PM
debangana - avatar
+ 1
I think c++ is worst to start...
20th Dec 2016, 2:02 AM
ģ”°ė³‘źµ¬ - avatar
+ 1
yes learn basic c++ and ask yourself what do you want ?? web, mobile application, Windows application
20th Dec 2016, 12:22 PM
Ali Hasan
Ali Hasan - avatar
+ 1
Yes! C++ is the Best language to start coding.It is a basic language for others like Java :)
20th Dec 2016, 4:34 PM
Vipray Jain
Vipray Jain - avatar
+ 1
what is class
21st Dec 2016, 10:31 AM
utpatti mahajan
utpatti mahajan - avatar
+ 1
You can learn HTML first because if you make your base strong there will be no problem forward. Learn easily. There's some things common in languages. You can learn Ruby also it is easy to learn.
22nd Dec 2016, 3:22 AM
Ritesh Kumar Gupta
Ritesh Kumar Gupta - avatar